A rising star of American football has been charged with breeding dozens of pitbull terriers for often fatal dogfights in a case that exposes an underworld of cruelty to animals.
Michael Vick, a celebrated quarterback with the Atlanta Falcons, is accused of raising dogs at his Bad Newz Kennels in Virginia to take part in fights with purses as high as $26,000 (£13,000).
Eight dogs that underperformed in test bouts were killed “by various methods, including hanging, drowning and slamming at least one dog’s body to the ground”, the indictment says.
A raid on one of his properties specifically bought for dogfighting was part of an apparent network of dogfighting kennels. Police searched the property and found 54 pitbulls with chains attached to car axles in the ground.
Also on the property were an electronic treadmill to exercise the dogs, a “break” stick to pry open their jaws during fights and a “rape stand” in which a bitch is strapped for breeding when she is too aggressive
After one fight, it is alleged that the losing female pitbull was executed by wetting her down with water and electrocuting her.
Mr Vick is obviously not a nice person. The animal cruelty indictment is the most dramatic charge against him but he has in been involved in drug and sex cases. But that is not the point. How can anybody treat dogs this way? Dogs entrust their lives in our hands. They depend on us and give us their unconditional trust and love. I do hope maximum penalty and imprisonment is imposed in cases such as this one. Such behaviour is unacceptable, brutal and unforgivable. Furthermore seeing the commotion David Beckman’s arrival in America has caused, how are adolescents or anybody enjoying fooball going to react to this sort of behaviour from this rising star who has become a role model to some?
I read a comment which said: “ Put him in jail and throw away the key.”
How can anyone be so cruel to dogs, it's unbelievable.
Disgusting behaviour...these kind of animals should be horribly punished..
How disgusting! I am outraged that someone so high profile should be involved in this kind of thing. It's such a shame because it's people like this who do so much incredible damage to these breeds. Throw away the key and ban him from life from owning a dog.
I am hoping the publicity this case is getting will raise awareness and help make animal cruelty laws tougher in America and elsewhere. We, as animal lovers are very upset about this particular case. I am hoping it will increase the reporting of animal cruelty cases. Many times people will turn a blind eye and I am hoping now people will let authorities know when their neighbors are abusing their animals. (I am trying to find a bright note in all the horror) I also hoping this particular man won't be able to buy his way out of the punishment he deserves.
One can hardly bear to read this stuff. It's really hard to imagine it goes on but obviously it does.
One good thing that has come out of this is that since he is high profile it has made big news so public outrage may make a difference to stopping this cruel practice.
It reminded me of what they do to greyhounds in the US when they prove to be too old or not successful for racing. Fortunately the Greyhound Rescue people make a difference there but probably they don't rescue all the dogs.
Absolutely disgusting and sickening. Now why doesn't Beckham, who is reputed to be a nice guy and could hardly miss a few thousand if it made him unpopular for a time, do something useful for a change and speak out on this?
All your comments are true but I want to start the day by thinking that most people treat their dogs well, respect them and love them.
Some folks with fame and money probably believe they are above the focus of the law. Stupidity and cruelness can be found on all of the social levels. I will not jump at sending him to jail until he is convicted. However, I suspect that he knowingly was involved. Murder of an animal is no more vicious than murder of a fellow man. There is no place in our society where either should be tolerated.
Made me feel quite sick reading that post, Ed. How anyone can treat an animal like that is beyond me. Locking up and throwing away the key is far too good for the likes of him. However, as you say, there are a lot of us dogowners around who love our animals and treat them well. Let's hope we can influence those that don't.
Uncivilized beasts. Vile bullies. It's enough to make you come over all Old Testament.
Hello, Just add an update, over 200,000+ letters were written to the NFL and to Nike. Nike did not pull the items with Michael Vicks name on them that were already on the store shelves, but decided to sell the new items... (they are on hold)The NFL says they are waiting for the courts to decide before they suspend him. He will not be in training this Thursday, July 26. He will be in court. We have to wait and see what happens. If he goes to trial it will be a long haul. VV
OOPs, I meant NOT TO SELL the new items.
this is all too horrible - humans are far more cruel than any animal could be. It is heartbreaking to read this report!
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