Thursday 14 July 2011

Special bond

Lance Corporal Liam Tasker, 26, was shot in the face as he and springer spaniel Theo led soldiers through an area believed to be mined.
Theo was visibly "distressed" and had to be cut free from his lead as Liam's colleagues battled to save him.
And the 22-month-old dog had a fatal seizure that night.
Their ashes were buried together in Tayside in Liam's native Scotland.

Monday 11 July 2011


It is a well known and heavily researched fact that dogs imitate humans.    

Saturday 2 July 2011

To dye for!

Dyeing pets is the latest craze in China.  Those chow chow dogs have been dyed black-and-white to look like pandas.  And at a recent dog show in Taipei a dog-dyeing competition was held but dyeing pets to look like other wild animals is a more recent development.  The trend demonstrates how quickly and dramatically attitudes toward pets — particularly dogs — have changed in many parts of Asia.
In Taiwan, for example, just 10 years ago, dogs were still eaten in public restaurants and raised on farms for that purpose. Traditional Chinese medicine held that so-called "fragrant meat" from dogs which could fortify one's health.
Now, eating dog is viewed by many as an embarrassing reminder of a poorer time.
With more money to spend, newly wealthy Chinese have embraced dog-owning culture with a vengeance. Dogs are brought into restaurants, fussed over in public, dressed up in ridiculous outfits and dyed to look like ferocious tigers.

And here is Ozzy Chinese style.  What do you think?