Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Corgi also faces extinction.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi, the breed favoured by the Queen, is a the soft-coated wheaten terrier and it also on the Kennel Club's watch list.  Only between 301 and 450 puppies have been registered this year.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi lineage has been traced back as far as 1107 AD.  It is said that the Vikings and Flemish weavers brought the dogs with them as they travelled to reside in Wales. As far back as the 10th century, Corgis were herding sheep, geese, ducks, horses and cattle as one of the oldest herding breed of dogs.
The Queen owns 16 dogs of this breed.  In September 2012, it was reported that two of them, Monty (who had appeared in the James Bond scenes in the London 2012 Olympics ) and Cider (who is half Dachshund) had passed away.
Memo to self: I must check out the Flemish connection. 


Whispering Walls said...

It was a shame that the corgis didn't accompany her parachuting into the Olympics!

Eurodog said...

That would have been fun!