Saturday, 3 April 2010

In the doghouse

Tammy Kassis, a dog owner who lives on the outskirts of LA, has gone to amazing lengths to make sure her beloved pets live in the lap of luxury by building them their very own mansion.
Yorkies Chelsea and Coco Puff and Pomeranian Darla share an extraordinary home.
The dogs have their own beds or they can lounge on their front lawn surrounded by a white picket fence.
They enjoy music from a classic RCA Victor radio and watch Animal Planet on TV. It’s their favourite program. In fact, the next thing on Mrs Kassis’s shopping list is a small screen plasma TV.
She and her husband, Sam, decided the dogs needed their own place when Coco Puff was almost carried away by an owl.
A mere $20,000 was lavished on the doggy mansion, including such things as paintings, landscaping, screened doors and windows, mini-blinds, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, heating and air conditioning, hand made curtains, lush wallpaper and ceiling fans.
When the couple decided to move home, the kennel came with them - although they had to hire a 45-ton crane and a truck to move the thing.
Mrs Kassis told the Los Angeles Times: 'My mother buys them most of their outfits. She treats them like her grandchildren.'


Mopsa said...

This is peculiar. They ARE dogs?

Eurodog said...

I am afraid so, Mopsa.

Whispering Walls said...

What sort of outfits do they have - bandanas?

Eurodog said...

WW, yes I wonder