Thursday 18 December 2008

Get this.

Not many dogs would pester their owners for a pair of Neuticles. These are prosthetic testicles which owners can have implanted in their pets' scrotum after they've been castrated so as to appear "anatomically intact". Louis Schwartz is chief of staff at the Overland Veterinary Clinic in Los Angeles which performs the procedure. He says it's particularly popular with pet owners of a certain gender. "What I find is the vast majority are men. I can only think of one woman who has come to me to have the procedure on her pet. She was an animal control officer whose husband, because of his religious beliefs, did not want the dog to be neutered," he said."One weekend while he was away she came to me with the dog and years later, this man has no idea". Having the Neuticles "placed" costs $400 and is an extreme example of the wide range of medical and cosmetic procedures now available at vet clinics which in the US account for $20bn of consumer spending. The manufacturers of Neuticles believe that:"Dogs neutered with Neuticles do not realise they have been neutered and do not suffer post neutering trauma." What utter rubbish.
In my opinion the world has gone completely nuts (sic).


ADDY said...

Well, Snoopy has been neutered and has shown no ill effects - he even tries to mate with anything with four legs when he is in the mood, so he still feels like a red-blooded male. I'll have to ask him whether he fancies some neuticles.

laurie said...

wow. i don't think riley and boscoe care one bit that their, um, bits are gone. not that it calmed them down in any noticeable way.

i'll bet it's only male owners who invest in these ...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree its nuts. (sorry, I couldn't resist) Seriously, I don't know why men act like they were being neutered and refuse to accept that neutering is beneficial to their pet and therefore to them. (neuticles is a clever name though, good marketing)I do hope it doesn't catch on.

jmb said...

Only in America? Or is this spreading? Totally daft and a waste of money.

Flowerpot said...

I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!! You can bet the gender of the person who thought this up...

James Higham said...

Hope I'll not be wanting any of those.

Mopsa said...

I've read about these in various places - it would be funny if it wasn't so absurd. What on earth are vets doing pandering to this kind of bo**ocks? Please someone tell me that European vets just won't do it.

Eurodog said...

I shall ask my vet and will report back. I did a google search in French and looked up "testicules artificiels" and the only thing that came up was the American reference as mentioned in my post.
I am as intrigued as you are.