Thursday, 20 September 2007

Hello Dude

Flowerpotdays has just awarded me this award. Thank you so much. Very much appreciated.
I am quite used to being addressed as "dude". The North Coast of Cornwall is surfers's paradise. The surf can be awesome, I gather. One of my daughters is a surfer and on several occassions this summer I went shopping with her to buy such vital items like a leash, wax, socks, .... When I asked the charming young man who was obviously a confirmed surfer dude with long rastaferian hair and minimal footwear if I could pay by credit card, he replied "Yah! ... Cool, dude." He was reading Hemingway.
I pass the award on to the following 5 other awesome dudes:


Anonymous said...

'Awesome' eurodog, congratulations!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Congratulations, eurodog dude!

jmb said...

What a hoot! I thought dude was an American word. He must be watching too much US TV.
Congratulations hip dude.

Mopsa said...

You're a Eurodude!

Whispering Walls said...

Dude - I wrote about you on my blog today

Flowerpot said...

Glad to hear it, ED! We were at Watergate Bay last Sunday which as you know is full of cool surfing dudes!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I am honoured, eurodog. Thank you.

jmb said...

Thanks Eurodog, I like being a dude, although it puts me in mind of an ER doctor whose medblog I read. He works in a high trauma centre and when he asks his patient who beat him up or stabbed him, the answer is always "some dude". So it has become a catch phrase there. "Some dude" is always responsible for the bad stuff.

Anonymous said...

Blimey! I got an award? I am surprised. I am really pleased. Thank you. I lke being a dude.....