Saturday 23 June 2007

Get this.

A dog has become a local celebrity in a Chinese village after she reportedly gave birth to a kitten. It was the third in the litter. “The first two puppies the dog produced were both normal, but when the third baby came, the whole family was very surprised to see a cat-like creature. It is a cat, not a dog at all,” said Hua, the dog’s owner. Local residents have been flocking to the man’s house to see the ‘kitten’ which local vets say is really a puppy which looks like a cat because of a gene mutation. It apparently yaps like a puppy.


Flowerpot said...

Well, it looks like a kitten. What an amazing story. Keep us posted, ED (sorry about pun)!

laurie said...

this cannot be real.
it just cannot be real.
a dog doesn't become a cat thru a gene mutation.

entertaining, but not believable! i need YouTube video of the actual birth!

jmb said...

Well it's amazing all the same. No wonder everyone wants to see it. I'll have to follow this story.

Mopsa said...

Good grief... and you have been memed, Eurodog - feel free to avoid at all costs if you so choose!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Yes, do find out more for us!

Cornish Dreamer said...

It does rather look like a genuine kitty and not a puppy doesn't it. As Laurie said: it would be interesting if there really was a video of it. Fascinating, if it were true.

Anonymous said...

Very odd, maybe a publicity stunt or something?

wenders said...

Gene mutation?? Only in China.