Wednesday 18 September 2013

Video game pet

Grand Theft Auto V is an open world ( ie: video game level design.  What? ) action-adventure video game played in the third-person and combines driving and action game play in an open world environment, allowing the players to interact with the game world at their leisure. The game is set within the fictional state of San Andreas, which is based on Southern California, affording the player free roam over the world's countryside and the fictional city of Los Santos, which is based on Los Angeles. The single-player story is told through three player-controlled protagonists whom the players switch between—Michael, Trevor and Franklin—and the story follows their efforts to plan and execute six large heists to accrue wealth for themselves.

Chop is Michael’s friendly pet.


Whispering Walls said...

Do you play video games ED?

Eurodog said...

No, WW, never have and never will. I was struck by the dog. Gives you an idea of the violence in those games.

Whispering Walls said...

Yes it looks vicious.