Thursday 24 March 2011

The tick from the continent

“A species of blood-sucking tick native to continental Europe has become established in the UK, scientists say.”
This was the headline on the BBC News website yesterday.
Oh dear, oh dear.
The researchers from the University of Bristol who led the study think a changing climate and "increased global movement of people and companion animals" have assisted the spread of ticks.
As a resident of continental Europe I plead not guilty of importing such a creature on insular Britain nor should UK dogs returning from a visit to the continent feel the same. The continent! This foreign, distant land!
How is this possible? The Pets Travel Scheme specifies that your pet must be treated against ticks and tapeworms not less than 24 hours and not more than 48 hours before you check-in with an approved transport company for the journey that brings your dog. Maybe the medication is no longer efficient.
Belle was one of the first dogs to come over under the scheme in the year 2000.  She first came across with us on 4th July 2000.
I can assure you that Defra have some fearsome Pets Travel Scheme staff at Dover. We have been stopped many times. On one occasion we were nearly sent back to Calais on a technicality but in the end reason and common sense prevailed.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Well done for talking common sense on this, Eurodog.

Rob said...

I think it's amazing how when something goes wrong a human looks to blame something or someone, if its here we just have to deal with it, we aren't an island anymore so have to get used to this stuff. The thing that worries me about this post is the bit where you said 'reason and common sense prevailed'! Shock horror, what on earth is the world coming too?

Whispering Walls said...

Looks an evil sort of beast