Thursday, 6 December 2007

Which is which?

These two puppies are sisters and were born in the Ardennes on 22nd September. They will be joining the puppy class at the dog club when they are 4 months old.

Kenza is on the left and Patia on the right.

I have written about Patia's owner in a previous post where she is called Mrs Buttercup.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Ah, bless! That has brightened my day.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi again. Yes, I remember that post. Lovely story.

Cornish Dreamer said...

Awww, aren't they cute?!

Mopsa said...

Puppyhood...a wondrous and hilarious time to be enjoyed and relished moment by moment.

jmb said...

They are so adorable. What kind of dog are they?

Eurodog said...

they are long haired German shepherds.

Anonymous said...

They are absolutely gorgeous. I want another dog!

Crystal xx

Anonymous said...

Talking of Buttercups, did you hear the one about the man who, after a walk in the woods, said: "To my great shame, I confess I picked a couple of buttercups." After a moments reflection he added: "I cannot imagine why anyone left two buttocks lying under a tree." Thank Tommy Cooper, not me, for this.

Anonymous said...

Quelles belles photos de 2 petites jumelles....
quelle agréable surprise de voir Patia grandir et Kenza (qu'elle est jolie ma chérie...). Bergers allemands bien sûr

Nous serons impatient de les réunir pour le dressage.
En tout cas, Kenza fait la joie de la maison.

Anonymous said...

I am always so happy to hear when puppies are going to training classes. it is such a perfect time in the dogs life to learn all the skills they need to be a great and wonderful pet and as a result, very happy dog.

Flowerpot said...

They are gorgeous...!

Anonymous said...

Super mignonne, les deux jumelles ! Ca promet de l'amusement au travail !!!!
Si Kenza est aussi "jouette" que Patia, les récrés seront bien occupées !
Un grand merci pour ce très beau blog !

Eurodog said...

Merci à Stéphanie, maîtresse de Kenza et à La Pâquerette, maîtresse de Patia pour vos messages et soyez les bienvenues sur mon blog.

Eurodog said...

Thank you all for commenting on those two lovely creatures. I will keep you posted. They will start attending the puppy class at the end of January. Watch this space.

Anonymous said...

Hello!! I'm the breeder of Patia and Kenza .It's a great joice for me to see my little babies growing in very good conditions by their owners. I'm sure they(owners and dogs) will learn very fast to know each other.
the litterbrother of patia and kenza still available.His name is Gonzalez alias Speedy.He has a lot of playdrive and is a very good male for sport or companion.
good luck fot the future for these lovely girls.
Daniel Piron

Anonymous said...

pour tout ceux qui désirent voir plus de photo de kenza, j'ai crée un skyblog juste pour elle

l'adresse est

bonne visite et laissez des commentaires ;)

Eurodog said...

Monsieur Piron,
Merci pour votre message. Elles sont magnifiques ces petites chiennes et je me réjouis de les avoir dans nos cours chiots.
J'ai créé un lien vers votre blog pour me permettre de plus facilement voir les photos de Kenza.

Kashinath said...
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